Software tester and front-end developer from Traverse City, Michigan
Below are my Front-End development projects. Click a project's respective button to navigate to their page and explore! Click the GitHub icon at the bottom of the page to view the source code.
Croissant app
SheCodes Pro project built with HTML and CSS. The focus was on enhancing the SEO of the application and creating a multiple page application.
Weather app
SheCodes Pro project built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project uses a weather API and updates in real-time. Use the search bar to find the current and five day forecast for the city you searched!
MIT Portfolio App
MIT capstone project. This portfolio was built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
Coorie Quilts
Retail and porfolio website built with Squarespace and CSS. This project is still under construction 😄
React Weather App
SheCodes project. Weather app created with React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Type a city name in to have the daily and five day forecast returned using a RESTful weather API from OpenWeather source. Deployed using Netlify.